2022 Proliga Final Four Schedule Towards Grand Final
Proliga 2022 Final Four Schedule Towards the Grand Final – The 2022 Proliga Four Finals match has entered the second series determination round, which will take place this weekend. The second series of the 2022 Proliga Final Four will take place at the Padepokan Polri Volleyball Hall, Jend. Kunarto, Sentul, Bogor, March 18-20. This step is a very important step. To determine which team will qualify for the Grand Final. The 2022 Proliga Final Four are played on a semi-competitive system or only once against each other. The top two teams from the men’s and women’s groups qualify for this year’s Pro League Championship matches. In men’s volleyball, Surabaya Bhayangkara Samator still tops the standings with five points after winning two matches. Then Bogor LavAni was followed by a collection of four points with one win and one loss over the two matches played.
Surabaya Samator and LavAni will play important matches to secure their move in the Grand Final. Meanwhile, Jakarta BNI 46 and Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax, which have not yet collected points, still have a chance. Jakarta BNI 46 and Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax have two more matches that must be utilized to improve the standings of the four teams. Gresik Petrokimia leads with a collection of four points and Mandiri Popsivo in second with three points. Then BJB Tandamata threatened at the bottom with two points. The competition in the women’s group is very tight, where the first and third ranks are only one point adrift. Meanwhile, the Jakarta Pertamina Fastron team won twice in the first and second rounds. Didn’t even score in the Final Four.
Pertamina Fastron will face Gresik Petrokomia, who needs an extra win to qualify for the Grand Final round. This match is scheduled for the Gor Padepokan Volleyball General Police Kunarto. Live O Channel, Champions TV, and VIDIO to find out who will make it to next week’s final.
The following is the complete schedule for the 2022 Pro League Second Series Final Four
Friday (18/3/2022)
14.00 WIB: Bogor LavAni vs Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax (Men)
16.00 WIB: Gresik Petrokimia Pupuk Indonesia vs Jakarta Pertamina Fastron (Putri)
Saturday (19/3/2022)
14.00 WIB: Surabaya Bhayangkara Samator vs Jakarta BNI 46 (Men)
16.00 WIB: Jakarta Mandiri Popsivo Policewoman vs Bandung BJB Tandamata (Princess)
Sunday (20/3/2022)
14.00 WIB: Jakarta BNI 46 vs Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax (Men)
16.00 WIB: Bandung BJB Tandamata vs Jakarta Pertamina Fastron (Women)
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